Exposure to Asbestos can result in serious medical complications for its victims. In many cases, the results of prolonged exposure to inhaling asbestos can, and have been proven fatal.
There are strict government regulations regarding a persons exposure to asbestos. Exposure should not exceed a level of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter in an eight hour period and should not exceed a level of 1.0 fiber per cubic centimeter in a 30 minute period. Some asbestos fibers can stay air born for up to three days.
Asbestos lawyers Los Angeles, upon determining whether a company is responsible, by negligence, which in turn causes you bodily harm due to overexposure to asbestos, will assist you in getting a compensation settlement you deserve.
Lung fibrosis and mesothelioma, a form of cancer, are just two of the most serious results due to prolonged exposure to asbestos.
Settlement amounts awarded have reached into the thousands, even millions of dollars. But, these dollar amounts can vary greatly from state to state and can also depend on the severity of the damages to the victim as an end result to prolonged exposure to asbestos.
Victims of lung fibrosis or mesothelioma need to act quickly after being diagnosed. Different states may have different time limitations in which to file a case. An expert lawyer in the field of dealing with asbestos cases will be well aware of these statute of limitations. Along with the experience in determining every aspect of your case such as:
• Gathering and studying all medical records showing that you indeed are a victim of asbestos exposure.
Determining whether your prolonged exposure to asbestos was due to negligence on the part of your employer or the company you were working for at the time. Negligence, perhaps meaning that an employer was quite aware of the asbestos but neglected to inform you as a worker.
• Your attorney will negotiate with your employer/company and their insurance company. Keep in mind that most employers and their insurance companies will most likely want to settle on amount to avoid going to court.
• Your attorney will calculate the life-long effects that a victim may have. This indeed can determine the amount of compensation.
Asbestos is not just an occupational hazard.
Your family and people around you can suffer the same disease from exposure. Workers who are not properly outfitted when working with or around asbestos can bring these fibers home on their clothing. This in turn means that people around you are breathing in these fibers. The consequences can be just as deadly over a period of time.
Read more why it's critical to hire the right cancer lawyer. Your attorney must specialize in asbestos cancer. Hiring the wrong asbestos lawyer has cost some folks millions. Read these asbestos lawyer reviews.
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